Cape Breton Food Hub
The Cape Breton Food Hub provides the infrastructure and distribution to link over 40 food producers with households and restaurants across the island. I have been an active volunteer and consumer member with the Food Hub since 2015. In 2018, I joined the board of directors and served as secretary until December 2019.
Mass Casualty CommissionIn 2022, I began work as a Research and Policy Advisor with the Mass Casualty Commission, the joint provincial and federal commission into April 18-19, 2020 mass casualty in Nova Scotia. My research with this project focuses on rural communities.
Learning About the L'nu WayThroughout 2019, I was the content curator for Cape Breton University's Learning About the L'nu Way professional development learning experience. Unama’ki College and the Centre for Teaching and Learning created this learning experience to provide faculty and staff at Cape Breton University a foundational knowledge of who the L’nu (Mi'kmaq) are, an overview of their history and culture, and the rights-based challenges they face in Canadian society today.
Indigenous Business Certificate
In 2016 and 2016, the Purdy Crawford Chair in Aboriginal Business Studies and Unama’ki College at Cape Breton University partnered with content authors to develop three online courses in Aboriginal business studies. I was part of the larger team that brought the course content together and developed supplementary materials such as case studies and original video content.
Métis Status in Canada
Between 2013 and 2015 I was part of a research team for the project “Métis Status in Canada: Agency and Social Issues/ Le statut de métis au Canada: agencéité et enjeux sociaux” which was led by Dr. Denis Gagnon. This project, which was funded by a SSHRC Insight Grant explored and documented unrecognized Métis identities and communities across Canada.
Interview with Métis Coffee Talk
In this interview, I speak with Keith Henry about ethnographic research I conducted with self-identifying Métis across Nova Scotia. This research was primarily focused in the southwestern region of the province; however, after joining the national "Métis Status in Canada" project led by Dr. Denis Gagnon, I also conducted interviews and fieldwork with Métis in Halifax and Cape Breton.
Up!Skilling Food Festival
The Up!Skilling Food Festival strives to share local food knowledge and build community around food. It is a part of the Island Food Network. I have been involved in the Up!Skilling Food Festival organization committee (2018 & 2019) as well as a presenter on the topic of Acadian cuisine.